Back-To-School Jr. High & High School UTR Tournament

August 15, 2021
Santa Ynez Valley Union High School

Level-based play for junior high and high school students, with separate girls and boys singles divisions. Multiple matches guaranteed. Co-ed doubles is free! For more information, visit the tournament page on the UTR website. Register by August 10, 2021 Offered in partnership with SYV Youth Tennis.

Jr. High & High School UTR Series Tournament

June 13, 2021
Santa Ynez Valley Union High School

Co-ed level-based play for ages 12 through 18, unrated up to 10 UTR. Players will be grouped into flights based on current Universal Tennis Rating (UTR) and/or level. Draw and match format: Round Robin matches (one set to 6) Winner in each group qualifies for playoffs Playoffs: 2/3 sets with 10pt tie-breaker for 3rd Register

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